• Add this tea to your daily routine to increase energy levels and reduce stress!

  • Vanilla Green Tea


    Vanilla flavored delicately blends with healthy green tea. An instant favorite!

  • Mint Green Tea

  • Rose Green Tea

  • goji ginseng

    Goji Ginseng Green Tea


    Add this tea to your daily routine to increase energy levels and reduce stress!

  • Rose White Tea

  • huang jin gui

    Huang Jin Gui

  • Apricot Green Tea


    This delicious Chinese green tea mixed with real apricot. This tea can be made hot, cold, morning, evening, and anything in between.

  • "Tea isn't good for you." Said no one...EVER. Try this healthy herbal tea.

  • Black Pearls Black Tea


    Smoky premium black tea rolled in to giant marble size pearls. 

  • Ginseng Green Tea

    Avoid those mid afternoon blues, with a boost of energy from ginseng and spicy ginger.
  • Rose hip Herbal Tea

    "Tea isn't good for you." Said no one...EVER. Try this healthy herbal tea.
  • Shui Jin Gui



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